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Rental Car App

A complete solution for renting and managing cars via Flutter mobile apps for Android and iOS, along with a React web app for the admin dashboard.

  • Mobile Development
  • Firebase Connection
  • API Integration
Car Types Selection Screen
Car Reservation Details Screen

Car Reservations

Users can easily make car reservations from the available options and conveniently manage their reservations through the mobile app.

Powerful features from Firebase, including firestore database, storage, cloud functions, and push notifications, make the reservation process seamless.

Secured Payment

Stripe has been integrated for secured payment processing, allowing users to easily make payments using digital wallets or their credit/debit cards.

Add New Payment Card Screen
Stripe Payment Screen

Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard provides complete control over cars, reservations, and user management. With the help of cloud functions developed in node.js, the backend operations are efficiently handled.

Car Images Upload Screen
Dashboard Image Upload Screen

Vehicle Security

To ensure vehicle security, we have integrated Dronemobile into the mobile app. With this feature, users can remotely unlock the car door directly from their phones.

Additionally, users are required to upload car images before and after each reservation for added security measures.

Tech Stack

Mobile AppFlutter (Android & iOS)
Admin DashboardReact Web App
Cloud FunctionsNode.js, Typescript
User AuthenticationFirebase
PaymentStripe Payment Gateway
MapsGoogle Maps SDK
Version ManagementGit
Dashboard HostingNetlify