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Shihab Sarar Ahmed

Developer + Roboticists, Researcher, and Instructor

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Hello World !!

This is Shihab, a Computer Science student at Rice University with a minor in Data Science. I have a strong background in algorithmic thinking, program design, and software methodology.

As a research and software engineering intern at Stanford AI Lab, I developed an inline commenting and grading system for Code In Place, and led the creation of the first digital Ling sound test as a responsive web application using Next.js, featuring multi-user interfaces, audio calibration, health monitoring dashboards, and remote administration. I also have experience as a full-stack developer, developing Flutter apps and integrating APIs for a car rental platform as well as a tourist-vendor platform.

I enjoy exploring new technologies and continuously expanding my skill set. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking desi foods, watching anime, and trying out new apps. I am always excited to hear about new projects, so dont hesitate to reach out!

Me standing in front of 360 bridge Austin